Project Challenge

Project Challenge, 这是esball国际平台客户端在冬季为北部高中学生提供的一个很受欢迎的项目, will be offering classes on our Potsdam, NY, 2023年校园展望.


Project Challenge - 波茨坦校园

每周六上午9点,esball国际平台客户端学院的教职员工和管理人员将教授为期五周的课程.m. until noon, beginning in mid-January. The Potsdam campus program is administered by The Clarkson School, 我们的早期入学计划是为有才华的高中生提供的,他们通常已经完成了三年级,准备开始大学学习.

课程将于周六上午9点在波茨坦校区举行.m. to 12 noon, on January 14, 21, 28; and February 4 and 11 with a snow date of February 18. 要注册,请联系您的指导顾问完成注册信息. 如果你是在家上学的学生或自费学生,你可以在这里网上注册. The deadline to register is Friday, January 6, 2023.  请注意,课程很快就会被填满,因为大多数课程仅限15名学生!

Please contact Brenda Kozsan, Director of Project Challenge at the 波茨坦校园, at or call 315-268-4425 with any questions.

Courses offered this year include:

新! 游戏系统:通过游戏和模拟体验政治-讲师:亚历山大·科恩

本课程将通过各种互动游戏和模拟,为您提供探索和亲身体验政治的机会. You will attempt to manage natural resources, serve as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, represent a planet in our solar system at a Galactic Senate, navigate the tense days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and track down terrorists after a deadly attack in Houston, 德州. 这样做的时候, 你将了解到围绕这个国家建立的思想冲突, anarchy and the state of nature, institutional constraints, limits of bureaucratic thinking and how laws are written.

新! The Brain and Drug Addiction – Instructor: Robert Dowman

几十年来,一直在努力解决吸毒和吸毒成瘾问题. Despite these efforts, drug use and addiction continue to result in significant social, health and economics suffering. 例如, 大约有5800万人报告有物质使用障碍, and the number of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. reached 90,000 in 2020. 我们将探讨药物使用和增加的心理和大脑机制. 我们将探讨的问题包括:为什么人们会使用尼古丁等精神药物, 大麻, cocaine and opiates? Why do some drugs have a greater incidence of addiction than others? 了解大脑中负责成瘾的变化能改善成瘾的治疗和预防吗?

新! 战争与棋子:通过桌面游戏了解第二次世界大战-讲师:Alastair Kocho-Williams

本课程将利用桌面游戏作为理解第二次世界大战的一种手段. as a conflict, at differing scales, and in different contexts. From games that cover the whole war, different campaigns or battles, the war on land, 在海上, 在空气中, or the lives and fates of the men and women who fought the war, 你将从多个不同的角度了解这场战争. 我们将调查战斗和赢得第二次世界大战的挑战, what might have been different, resistance movements, 以及游戏如何被用作理解战争及其诸多方面的手段. 利用广泛的游戏库,你将玩和分析游戏作为理解第二次世界大战的一种手段, and work to design a game of your own.  

新! 建模:用数学来理解我们的世界-讲师:阿德瓦莱·阿德卢

我们将通过数学和技术来探讨三个现实世界的问题:你如何选择最好的甜甜圈或识别最好的饼干? 你将有机会建立一个数学模型,你可以在下次购物时使用. How does mathematics help in understanding an epidemic like COVID-19?  2020年,世界经历了一场震撼我们生存的新型大流行. 许多国家, including the United States, 宣布全面封锁和许多其他措施来遏制SARS-CoV-2的传播, the virus known to cause COVID-19. 我们将通过跳鸡和玩石头剪刀布来模拟疾病是如何传播的, 收集数据, and use technology to understand the data. Is there a relationship between your height and various body parts? 我们将在课堂上收集数据,以了解其他身体部位如何解释人类的身高.


企业通过推出新产品和新服务来获得竞争优势. 过去,公司可以坐以待毙,提供久经考验的产品和服务.  但现在不再是这样了:全球公司以越来越快的速度提供更新的产品和服务, even well established firms need to innovate their offerings. 挑战在于学习如何有效地管理技术创新. 这种方法包括制定和实施战略目标的新方法, communicate needed information, and organize tasks and manage people. 此外, 公司越来越依赖世界各地的商业和技术合作伙伴来获得创新想法.  This has led to the concepts of open and globally dispersed innovation. You will learn ways to explore approaches that encourage, 增强, and manage the technological innovation process in an organization.


Would you like to be wealthy someday? 了解金钱及其运作方式是减少财务压力和增加财务独立可能性的关键. Knowledge is power and the more you know about personal finance, 你就能更好地掌控你的资源,而不是金钱控制你. In this class we will go over budgeting, 储蓄, debt and debt management, 投资, insurance issues and even discuss taxes. 本课程中的信息将更好地帮助你在现在和将来做出合理的财务决策.

Contemporary Social Issues - Instructor: JoAnn Rogers

本课程探讨美国社会问题的定义、原因、后果和解决方案.S. 社会. 通过电影, 阅读, 讲座, 和讨论, students will learn about issues such as sex and gender, 贫困, 无家可归, economic and racial inequality, 教育, neighborhood segregation. Throughout the course, 我们将探讨这些社会问题如何成为社会组织的一部分, and the way we can use our agency to address them.

Python Programming Crash Course - Instructor: Daqing Hou

Have you ever been curious about computer coding? 你想学习大家都知道的流行的Python编程语言吗? Come explore Python while solving a handful of practical problems, from primality test, π估计, and root finding, through calculating mortgage, 播放音乐, to steganography and deciphering codes.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens – Instructor: Brenda Kozsan

Based on the famous book by Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 我们将探讨世界各地快乐和成功的青少年共有的七个特征. For teens, life is not a playground; it is a jungle. How will you deal with peer pressure?  动机? Success or lack thereof? 青少年的生活充满了艰难的问题和改变生活的决定. 本课程将通过练习为学生提供一个系统的框架, team activities, and role-playing for boosting self-image, building friendships, resisting peer pressure, achieving goals, improving communication and relationships with parents, and success in high school, college and in life.